Summerlin Banyo – Construction Update – April 2021


We are pleased to bring you the construction update for our latest stages.

Lilly Residences

• Recent wet weather has severely hampered construction for the months of February and March
therefore the forecast settlement date has been adjusted to mid-2022.

• During the last couple of weeks however we have been able to install some of the pad footings and the tower crane.

• Work scheduled for the next month includes:

o Completion of the pad footings and all basement columns
o Construction of basement walls and main slab



Terrace Homes Stage 7

• Recent wet weather has severely hampered construction for the months of February and March
therefore the forecast settlement date has been adjusted to December 2021.

• In between rain events we have been able to complete all under slab plumbing works.

• One building slab has been poured with others prepped ready for concrete this week.

• The installation of the timber frames has commenced.

• Work scheduled for the next month includes:

o Completion of the pad footings and all basement columns
o Construction of basement walls and main slab

Book an inspection now to view our display apartment,
open by appointment only 7 days a week.
Call 1800 461 860 to arrange your inspection today.

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