Maasra Apartments – Construction Update, August, 2021

We apologize for the delay in the issue of this construction update. As mentioned in our last update, Karam Group commissioned a full review of the construction program by our Superintendent, Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB), together with the builder, Hindmarsh Construction QLD. The review was delayed due to the recent COVID lockdown as well as other issues within the respective teams and we did not want to issue another update until we could provide the results of our review.

Unfortunately, the results of the detailed review provided advice that Practical Completion will be pushed out to March 2022. We understand this news will come as a great disappointment to our purchasers.

There is no single factor causing this delay. It has been the combination of numerous factors, many of which unexpected. These include:-

  • 42 days of inclement weather
  • Re-design of certain in slab drainage works due to clashes with the post tensioning strands
  • Structural changes to core 3 & 4 due to the fact that the secant pile wall was unable to achieve the design depth and therefore the structure design had to be altered to withstand potential loads applied laterally
  • COVID impacts, not just in Queensland, but in other states and overseas

“Our works on the Maasra project have been significantly impacted by COVID. Material deliveries have been impacted due to manufacture and shipping delays, supply chains and resourcing impacts are being felt across the industry and lockdowns / border closures have caused labour and materials supply issues. As one example, this has resulted in Hindmarsh struggling to mobilise sufficient formwork carpenters resulting in delays.”- Mike Howell, Senior Project Manager, Hindmarsh Construction Qld 

As advised previously, RLB are engaged as the Quantity Surveyor and Superintendent for the project. We asked them to review the situation and advise us of any additional steps that we could have done better, along with any potential adjustments we can make moving forward, to ensure that there is no further slippage in the program.

“While the delays experienced on the Maasra Project may have been unforeseen, or, outside of the control of Karam Group, in many instances the prompt action and decisions made by Karam Group have managed to mitigate the impact of these delays, ensuring that the Project has not been delayed even further.” – Jim Krebs, Director, Rider Levett Bucknall 

Please be assured that we will continue to take all necessary steps to minimize delay and recoup time where at all possible.

As you would recall from previous construction updates, purchasers should also factor in post completion procedures for plan sealing and title issue etc. Therefore, it is likely that purchasers can plan for settlement in Q2, 2022. We are currently working with our relevant teams to expedite this post construction process but will not have any specific information until later in the year as this is dependent on various governmental agencies.

Work completed to date includes:

  • commenced pours to level 4
  • blockwork to level 3 underway
  • blockwork complete on Level 1 and 2 as well as Ground Level apartments and commercial
  • fitting out the prototype unit underway
  • all windows on ground level commenced installation
  • hydraulic and mechanical rough-in to Level 1 complete and Level 2 underway
  • electrical rough-in to Ground complete and Level 1 and 2 underway
  • Core 3/4 hold up resolved and now fast catching up to the rest of the building

Again, we regret the delays incurred on site, and are doing everything humanly possible to clawback the program. Despite the uncertainties imposed by COVID-19, there are still some positive aspects on the horizon. We must be very grateful that the property market has continued to grow providing substantial capital growth for purchasers at Maasra. In addition, our location will provide an ideal springboard from which to enjoy the Brisbane Olympics, particularly the fireworks!

As always, we hope that you and your families remain healthy and safe.

Thank you and kind regards,

Anthony Karam Director
Karam Group Pty Ltd



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